The House




53 thoughts on “The House

  1. Beautiful!!! There is so much detail!!! How long has it taken you to get to this point? I feel as if my home will never be fully decorated!! Also a silly question, do you have a schedule you keep for cleaning or is it all over a day or two? Thanks!

    1. Hi Karrie. Thanks. I change my house a lot but I would say the way it is now…. took a few years to pull together. If I were starting fresh…it would probably take me much less time now, because I have learned so much along the way, like places to shop, etc. Part of what takes the time is holding out for deals, looking for stuff, or waiting to find just the right thing.
      The bathrooms and kitchen we did this winter, they took about 5 months. I am always kind of working on one thing or another.
      My biggest suggestion is to clear out clutter on a regular basis.
      I wish I could keep a cleaning schedule. Often times when I take these “pretty” photos, the hallways are full of all the stuff that cluttered the room, kids shoes, coats, toys, dishes, etc , etc.I have some help every other week which really barely cleans very deep but I have a few hours of rest and that helps. I DO vacuumn every day with the 6 pets!

  2. I LOVE your creativity with design, you have inspired me to do a makeover to our family’s lake house. I just adore your combinations of colours – it blends just beautifully. I will use many of your ideas. Thank you, Jacqueline Munro,Vancouver, B.C.

  3. I am blown away by this house tour. There is so much happy color which makes it all shout “I’m alive!” Not the least of which it is an old farmhouse. I fantasize every day about owning such a gem. It is easy to tell she is so loved, and getting to love a family back. Time will tell if I ever get to live in something with character. I adore shopping for items to give a second life to. Mom taught me to thrift decades ago. And dad always loved a garage sale stop. Painted furniture is quite an impressive attention getter, and you have several that I think are fantastic. The light from all the windows seems to really fill the house with sunshine. Thank you for sharing – it’s very inspiring.

    1. Getting a comment like this..on a day like I had today…reminds me why I pour so much of my heart and soul into this house, and this blog. Thank you for giving me a much needed boost…and I hope you come back soon!!!

    1. Yes, I spray painted them. I was inspired by ones identical, painted coral, from House Beautifu’s Dec/Jan 2012 issue. I found them on They are $250/pair and if you go to, you can get a coupon for an additional 10% off!!!

  4. I saw your question on Apartment Therapy and wanted to reach out. Thank you for choosing our 180fx Calacatta Marble (Fauxmarble) for your kitchen and for the desire to use IdealEdge to make the countertops amazing. I am sorry you couldn’t find a fabricator through the Home Depot network. We just launched the IdealEdge product in all Home Depot’s in June. I sent out a how to fabricate to all 88 fabricators of Home Depot. I want to tell first your kitchen looks great and offer you one of our brand new books celebrating our 100 year anniversary. I am the product manager at Formica responsbile for both 180fx and IdealEdge. Please send me your address if you would like to receive one of our books.

  5. Yes, as I hang my head, I finally went through your site and saw the great work that you do. I might someday be contacting you to do one for me. And yes, aren’t yellow labs great.

  6. Hi Lesli – I love your artwork and your home. I came over here via younghouselove. My favorite pic is the one of the cat on the bed. Love the cat and the grey bedspread. I have been looking for a simple one like that for my son’s room. Can I ask where you got it?

    1. Hi Terresa,

      Thanks for stopping by. If the quilt you mean is the one in my sons room, that one I got at PBTeen, exactly a year ago, it reverses to royal blue. You may want to also check Land of Nod….I have a link on my Blog homepage which can take you there to one I suggest…..Thanks for stopping by!!!!

  7. Hi Lesli,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and I am so glad to have found your blog. I really enjoy touring your lovely home. Each room is fabulous and a little quirky and that’s what make your home so unique and inspiring. I love the way you use colors and patterns, it’s so fun, fresh and unexpected. I love your artwork, they are beautiful, the colors really speak to me! You are seriously a talented woman. I think I have seen one or two pictures of your home on Pinterest and I don’t pin that very often. What an I say? Your home is charming, gorgeous and memorable! Thanks for following. I love everything you did and I am adding you to my favorite blogs! Keep up the good work!


  8. I was so excited to read your do’s and don’ts regarding your Kitchen. I have struggled with wanting a beautiful marble kitchen for almost 7 years but never had the budget. I recently saw the formica- Calcutta marble at my home depot and thought about but wasn’t sure…. Seeing it in your kitchen has inspired me to give it a try. I’ve coveted the look forever but have been to intimidated by the price. The Formica brand is actually in my price range:) Your kitchen is an inspiration and just gorgeous like the rest of your house. I have two boys and love what you have done with the boys bathroom! I can’t wait to get my own “dream” kitchen like you on my budget:)
    I look forward to seeing what your up to!!!

  9. I just stumbled on your blog through Pinterest while searching for holiday decorating ideas for an old house. Just had to say hello, as I too live in a much-loved old farmhouse named Fairview! Ours was built around 1874 and retains most of her original features and footprint. Our Fairview ladies are very similar – full of light and warm character, and having remained with the original families for very many years (meaning they are well loved!). We also chose the exact same Formica Calcutta marble with the Ideal edge for the counter near the sink, and we love it. We’ve been here for three years now and feel truly blessed that such a special house chose us as her newest caretakers! Thanks for sharing your Fairview.

  10. Wow, what a lovely, bright, creative and warm home. Every last inch has been styled with such thought and the clever use of bright painted furniture to add pops of colour to the rooms means the balance is perfect, without being too much. The ornate French style furniture adds such character and charm to the rooms, I love the white display unit with bright pink interior in the lounge – a lovely feature piece. The cow print in the bathroom is great too – I love cows :O)
    Beautiful home.

  11. I noticed that the light above the Master Bath sink is different in the two associated photos. I assume these were taken at two different periods of remodel?

  12. What a gorgeous home. The interior is beautifully designed and seems to make the most of the natural style of the property itself, which I think is important in making a home feel right – creative and very lovely

  13. I love your choice of colours and the energy that you evoke! Absolutely beautiful! Any drawbacks to any of the colours you’ve listed? I love that steamed milk and am considering it. Anything you hate about it?

  14. Hi Lesli,
    I love your art studio in the dining room! How clever, with all your art supplies stored so lovely in the sweet cupboard and the professional & clean way to hang your creations it looks fabulous! You’ve got a lot of natural light to enjoy & a perfect place for friends & family to view your works of art! AND you can still use the dining room when needed for entertaining. It’s perfect! Enjoy!

  15. I read that you sold your farmhouse on “Hooked on Houses.” As much as I love old houses, and own two myself, I completely understand the desire to downsize, especially after the kids leave the nest. Even after 6 years in my current place, the to-do list is lengthy. Are you going to post any pictures of the new place>

  16. Bravo! I have never seen such a whimsical decorating style. Your energy comes through with every touch (frankly, I don’t see how one small lady can do all this, LOL!). At any rate, I love your house, inside and out. It’s PERFECT. I’m going to redo my kitchen in the next year or so and I think I will go with the Formica marble, like you. I have a cottage style house and to install expensive solid countertops would seem out of place. I’ve always loved Formica because my best friend growing up, her mother had impeccable taste and had beautiful white Formica counter tops in the kitchen, with darker wood cabinets and a red sort of tiled looking vinyl floor AND a turquoise Modern Maid refrigerator with freezer on the bottom, which I thought was ultra cool (her husband’s family had owned Modern Maid Appliances, so that’s why). It was an older model fridge, but her kitchen was also perfect. I LOVE your kitchen, Cheerful City! I love FW. Thank you so much for sharing all your expertise, you are incredible! PS, I found you through Celebrating Everyday Life Blog, so grateful I did!

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