old country house blog

27 Dresses…

Okay, well 25 Dresses!!!
 I Finally finished an order for 25 Wedding Dresses…
….they are for a Country Club that gives them to their Brides…
as a Gift…

“the dress”
…X 25
5″ X 7″ Wooded – Birch Cradle  – “Canvas”


Over the river and through the woods…
to Grandmother’s (MIMI’s) house
we go.
I CANNOT wait to be there…
 We leave this afternoon…and tomorrow morning
I will wake up to the smell of Mimi’s cooking and
the peals of laughter and sounds of the kids joking with their Poppi.

If you are beginning your Holiday Travel, stay safe!

What is YOUR favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
Here are my Top 5 Favorite things ….

5. Black Friday – not so much for the crazy shopping but because
usually the girls and the boys split up and we girls go shopping  and get Mani-Pedis while the boys lounge around and watch sports…
4. PIE, Pie Pie and Pies
3. Mashed Potatoes…yes, they are available any day of the week, but they taste SO good on Thanksgiving. 
2. Everyone being in the kitchen, bumping into each other…getting everything ready to put on the table…
1. The moment right before we dig in..when we give Thanks…
and share our Gratitude for our abundant blessings.
…an oldie but a goodie…
we are Thankful for….cousins….

See you tomorrow…
Lets window shop tomorrow!

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