ITS APRIL FOOLS DAY. Our youngest spent the greater part of last evening setting up pranks throughout the house – so there are Booby traps everywhere – which – though I have said “enough!” more than once – I am so grateful that his humor is still intact. We need it.
In some ways – being at home, working, living conducting my life is not much different than before. I’ve worked from home for over 10 years. But in all of the rest of the ways, my life, like yours, like pretty much the rest of the planets’ – has been turned upside down and inside out. And the end is far far away – too far to even predict.
There are still 6 of us. My daughters’ boyfriend who had originally hoped to rejoin his family at home in Mexico is staying put. It is all too risky now.
We still sit down to big dinners every night – but I’ve noticed they are not quite as boisterous – not as much like being at the beach on vacation – but more like having dinner while someone you love is in the hospital. Not than anyone in the family is – – but there is too much suffering happening all around us for us to feel like we’ve missed any bullets. We are more serious.
The house is a mess – who cares. I don’t. We do the grocery unloading dance and the box opening shuffle on the front porch – taking care to wash our hands as many times as we can remember to do so – which is constantly.
I guess – because I’ve never been here – in my life – this place of living through a Pandemic – that I honestly have no notion as to which comes next. We finally had a family talk last night and made a few things “scheduled” so there isn’t the floating sensation that comes from unstructured days tucked inside chaotic weeks – now extending into the first month where each day has been a new chapter. Walks and groups exercise will be at 11 am each day – meaning if you want to walk in a group we leave at 11. Rather than a day spent saying, still in PJs at 2 pm – “You know, maybe we should go for a walk. ” And dinners will be at 7:30 so that everyone can plan their other stuff- facetime and Zooms and class and homework etc etc etc around it. I’ll let you know how that goes.
I bought an inexpensive sewing machine last week – to make masks, and await my supplies so I can get cranking. Doing things for others is my best defense against anxiety.
I have not been painting that much. I was super productive week one, less so week two and not much at all week 3. It will come back. I’m just trying to listen to my soul which is just a bit weary right now. I tried to paint a dog the other day and felt so confused – my studio is now more “Dining room” than “Art Studio” and it takes a bit for me to get back in my groove. It will happen.
I hope that everyone is well. Safe. At home. Still, I know statistically that it would be naive to think that someone reading this has not themselves been sick or has a loved one who is suffering and has maybe even died. Please know you are all in my heart. My little community. And I am sending big virtual hugs to everyone. Keep in touch. We are in this together. #socialdistancing
Right on schedule – The Cherry Blossom Tree is in Full Bloom!
Be well.
Be safe and well Lesli.