old country house blog


One of my “favorite” 
(see my face which tells you I am being VERY sarcastic)….
One of “Favorite” things about living in an Old House is that
we have gone to replace or
 improve something…upgrade anything…
…there is ALWAYS a surprise waiting for us on the other end…
and not the GOOD surprise like you won a $1000 dollars, 
more like the surprise where
you get to pay $1000 – more. 
Which of course increases the cost of what we are doing 
by often more that double or triple 
thereby diminishing the Happy mood of getting something NEW!!! 
Incrementally and basically making ME, over time, 
DREAD, when we get something NEW installed.

Case in POINT…
The Dishwasher…

the old dishwasher…
Our old dishwasher broke Thanksgiving of 2010 and for a myriad of reasons, and bumps in the road and in the house…
Reasons Financial, and Aesthetic…
we JUST this past weekend got the NEW one installed. 
yes, we went for over a year without a dishwasher…and survived.

We actually got the first NEW one in November, but it would not fit, OLD plumbing had to be completely changed, revealing a big leak in the crawl space, rewiring all new pipes…and yadda…yadda…yadda…

and FINALLY WE have a dishwasher. 

(the second NEW one – like I said LONG and Painful story) 
and FINALLY WE have a dishwasher.

While there was NO dishwasher
 I put a cute chevron curtain in the open space.
I went with the Maytag.
The ratings were good, and I got LOWES to match a great price
I found on AJMAdison. Yes, my “dream” appliances are the Kitchenaids,
but here is the thing…I want all of my appliances to
be the same brand and to outfit our entire kitchen – double wall oven, range hood, cook top and counter depth fridge- with Kitchenaid…
would just be cost prohibitive. After all, they are just appliances right –
the prices of the
Maytags are great and they look great and have good ratings….
so next up, I am doing the cooktop!!!!