Once upon a time there was a very old house.
With a very small light in a very big room.
Everyday, the woman who lived in the very old house…
…would sigh…and say
“One day, I hope to have a Big Chandelier, and then, there will be light!”
7 years, well almost 8 years later…
the NOW OLD woman had saved up enough money and…
…and the room glowed…
and the angels sang…
(or maybe that was the tea kettle)
at any rate, it was beautiful.
…you know what I’m thinking? Time to paint that book case behind the brown sofa…it is boooorrrrrinnnng…me to tears…
til then!
P.S. I got this beautiful Chandelier from one of my favorite websites: LaylaGrayce.com
and if you enter the promo code: catalogs, you get 15% off!!!
Well, hello! I’m visiting twice removed from Miss Mustard seed. I went to the mustard dresser spot, then saw your comment as I was making my way down the list to comment as well!
I love your cheery yellow piece, and your chandelier, and your idea about quickie projects! Sometimes there’s just not enough hours in a day…
Come over for a visit – I won’t be posting anything new until this evening, but I’d love to invite you to drop by. I just followed you, and would love it if you might do the same!
-Revi from http://www.revisionarylife.blogspot.com