old country house blog


WE GOT OUR TREE!!!BIG OLD TREEOr I should say…the tree got us!

For about 6 years Phoebe and Damon have a tradition of going out to pick out and up the Christmas tree…This year, the “father daughter duo” were even in the local paper, picking out their tree last year at the local tree farm they love to go to.  Last year, they beat the record for “Tallest tree” at the Tree farm…

Phoebe and tree farm guy load up last years tree.
Phoebe and tree farm guy load up last years tree.

.this year they beat the record for the heaviest

I was not paying much attention …I have been a portrait painting machine…sun-up to sundown, me and all the beloved dogs and cats, horses and a goat…have taken over the dining room….and Daddy has been pulling Christmas together.

So, in the event that we got snowed in today (which of course did not happen) and lest the tree stay on the front porch until Next weekend when we have some time – they decided to bring the tree in last night and at least set it up. It was not until I heard “Go get some more towels!!!” that I decided pull out the ole “micro-manager” cap and take a look. I opened the dining room door stepped into 1/2 deep water in the hall and followed the river of icy water and pine needles to the living room where a SOAKING wet and SLUSH-covered tree…displacing all the furniture in the room… stood melting all over my living room floor.


…….a bit of mayhem ensued. yes, and some screaming and of course…OF COURSE…when I ran upstairs to grab some bins to catch the water now pouring off the tree…I found water coming into the sleeping porch ceiling…and many curse words later…and that mess dealt with….I took the bins back down stairs… WE REMEDIED the situation, got the tree dry…(never saw myself towel drying a tree!) and sent the kiddos to bed.

Charlie approves of the new arrangement..he has a tree to sleep under and the chevron sofa, now in the kids living room, has been replaced by the wing backs...aka- the doggie chairs. (the kids old babysitter surprised them and sent them all these fleece blankets which are so snuggly. I had her make one for Maura about 6 weeks before she passed away.
Charlie approves of the new arrangement..he has a tree to sleep under and the chevron sofa, now in the kids living room, has been replaced by the wing backs…aka- the doggie chairs. (the kids old babysitter surprised them and sent them all these fleece blankets which are so snuggly. I had her make one for Maura about 6 weeks before she passed away.

Despite the insanity…I still snuggled up on my sofa last night and watched the second to the last episode of this season’s Homeland…OMG…do yu watch it??? INSANE. I loved being nestled under a tree which occupies half of my pink living room. We will get to decorating in the next day or so…and I will return with more photos of…




  1. Too cute! Reminds me of an old college nightshirt I had with a movie poster design from those 1950s B horror movies that said “The thing that ate my homework!” I love that you get a live tree every year. We have a tree farm here in our little town and it’s so fun to watch people pull up and drive away later with a tree tied to their car. I have bad allergies so alas am the family party pooper when it comes to having a live tree. Is Charlie a yellow lab? We have one, Daisy, who is a rescue lab. A dog is great addition to complete the décor of any room, eh? 🙂

  2. Sooooo cute. I love your art, your decor, your dog … A W E S O M E ! I lost my young (only) sister-in-law on Dec. 10th, it is so so hard around the holidays, it just hurts your feelings more somehow when you lose someone during a time that was meant to be joyous. But if you think about it like this, Maura is spending her 1st Christmas with the birthday boy himself! She is surrounded by other loved ones who have gone before her, and she is watching over you Leslie, she loves you.

    1. Thank you Jude. Your words are comforting and today must be an anniversary for you and I am sending YOU warm thoughts too. I am blessed by so much love. and I know Maura must eb watching over us because little Ellie got a PINK Christmas tree in her bedroom!

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