my old country house


FIRST – Before I talk about the race –

I want to thank “Nancy” a long time follower who alerted me yesterday that this blog had

been hacked!!!! and that some human or “bot” had posted weird posts about weird random things.

I was able to delete the posts and block the “poster” and UP the security.

Thank you for having my back guys!


I have just settled into my hotel in Richmond VA where tomorrow

I will be running MY FIRST 1/2 MARATHON

in the

Richmond 1/2 Marathon

I started running  during Covid.

It had been decades since I ran regularly

and I have never run as much as I have for the past 2 1/2 years.

I love it.

It is my sanity and it is my respite.

I’m hooked on the feeling.

But I was a leeeetle bit afraid of doing an actual race – and then – I got over it and just started to train.

Anyone who runs or bikes, walks, plays soccer, rows, swims, DOES HIIT, practices yoga, karate or in any way exercises regularly knows that just showing up is half the battle – over and over again. Then there is hydration and nutrition and lots and lots of stretching. Most of these lessons Ive learned the hard way. I’ve Gotten dangerously dehydrated which made me hyper vigilant on hydration and I have learned to “eat to run” which has its perks!

I am not fast. But Im so much faster than when I started.

I run between 10-11 min / miles depending on terrain and temp.

I hate the heat! But I absolutely LOVE running in cold weather.

The weather here will be around 60s so I am not complaining AT ALL.

Mostly I am just so excited to RUN WITH all the other runners who are as addicted to running as me.

To feel that energy all around me. It makes me cry just thinking about all of the journeys we have all taken – mostly on our own, on quiet streets and long roads – listening to playlists and podcasts. Or our own breathing.

Tomorrow I will hear cheers and experience so much collective joy.

This will be my first big race …

But Im almost certain it won’t be my last!

I will be posting an update on my @leslidevito Instagram 

Have a wonderful weekend !!!
