A few weeks ago
we celebrated our
one year ago, I started off a day of soccer games ,
just like any other Saturday…
and left one my daughter’s game with a puppy in my coat!
I never had that “Dog Love”
thing that drives people to say…Take their dog everywhere they go or
their dog be the ring bearer in their wedding
or even sleep at the foot of their bed at night.
Like everyone else, we had our “first child”
“Parker” the beagle
and I loved her, very much in fact
but the swooning stopped and was quickly replaced with patient annoyance
and then a few years later another baby and
then a few years more…a third …real baby.
…..so, what changed?
Why is this dog (we have two others in fact)
Why is this dog (we have two others in fact)
…or the fact that he was so tiny and shivered so much that
like a baby Koala…
for weeks!
or maybe it had something to do with the
inevitable fact that my real babies are getting too big
…maybe it was his loyalty and unconditional
worship of me
(am I that shallow?)
…what ever it was
when I fell…
I fell hard.
Or maybe it is just the simple fact that he is
and now, I GET it!!!
and now, I GET it!!!
be ring bearer material!
“Charlie” 30″ x 40″ acrylic on canvas
now on view (and for sale) at the Three Notched Grill Crozet, VA |
My Sweet Charlie
you are trully a amazing artist,your paintings and your use of colour is incredible.you are blessed with a talent so rare…..