old country house blog


My sister in laws Grandmother,

was a professional seamstress…making
wedding gowns and suits and beautiful dresses for years.
Abuela lived a wonderful Long Life 
and when she passed away My sister in law, who does not sew, 
was at a loss of what to do with all of Abelas precious sewing supplies. 
Seems Abuela had saved
which included zippers and buttons hooks and eyes and elastic and notions of all kinds.
Spools and spools of beautifully colored thread, like candy, 
on wooden spools.
works of ART.
and she gave them ALL the to ME!

Thank you Malena and 
Thank you
what did you get from your grandmother?

7 thoughts on “THREAD on WOODEN SPOOLS

    1. Thank you for the lovely uplifting comment. It is an honor to have this thread. And I see little Abuela every single time I use them or see them, and in a way it is like she is here with me. For me, this is how I see God. In all the little things, moments, smiles and rays of sunshine.
      I was just reading your blog. It makes me feel so happy and hopeful. You are truly blessed and you art resonates your beautyl.Thanks for leaving your note.

  1. One of the treasures I love that I received of my grandmother’s was her crystal candy dish. She lived with my parents for over 22 years and while I lived at home she kept it filled with chocolates KNOWING I would inevitably come visit her room in the evenings for a treat and a chat. I love that dish and have been thinking of filling it with threads or buttons near my sewing stuff (don’t need the chocolate anymore) 🙂

    I also received a handkerchief in which I made into a piece of art on my office wall. (http://www.ordinarymom.ca/create/index.php/2012/01/mini-canvas/)

  2. My grandmother gave me all of her wooden wooden spools of thread as well. I love them! I have them displayed in my sewing room in a glass jar. What did you do with yours?

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