We are NOT Moving! At least not right now.
You know how you have those conversations in your head, and you figure something out, but then you forget to tell the people involved that you made some changes….and they have no idea what is going on? Well, I think I kind of did that. And not just with you! …With my husband too!
We were having dinner with some friends and they asked;
“So, are you guys still moving?”
and my husband looked at me and said;
“I don’t know, are we?”
and I said….
“Oh, I forgot to tell you!
….I think not!”
Nothing has changed about the reasons WHY we were thinking of moving. Kids are still going to college, the house is STILL too much for me many days and I STILL need to be closer to civilization…but what I realized….. well I realized a few things:.
1. We got many things done to the house which have removed the daily headaches, holes in plaster and crumbling walls…basically the house is nicer to live in…why should I not enjoy that for a while longer, right?
2. I realized that while Tate is heading off to college next year, Phoebe and Cooper will still be here. Tate and Cooper share a room, so really, the bedroom situation will be the same. So we would still need at least a 3 bedroom house. And while I would like a Newer house…I am just not wanting to give up ALL OF THIS for that. not yet anyway.
3. After Phoebe leaves, Cooper still has 3 years of high school. And AFTER he graduates I not only am not sure if I want to stay in this house, but I also am not sure I want to stay in this town. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE where I live. It is the best place to raise kids in the world. But I am not sure it will be the best place for us, after the kids are gone. I may want to be closer to stuff to do, and maybe Back in a city.
and the bottom line is, if absolutely positively, IF I have any control over it, do not want to move twice in 4 years and that is quite possibly what we would end up doing.
SO for now anyway, we are VERY HAPPILY staying PUT!!!
I feel like I should have a party or something!!
Have you ever been in a “should I stay or should I go situation?”
All the presented resasons demand you should stay.XOXO
Thank you from my heart to yours! xo
Best reason to stay, Dash will come home. I think of dash and your family often, and hope he finds his way back to his family. From our mouths to Gods ears.
I still believe he will come back…I really do. Thanks for remembering him in your prayers. xo
The rescue I foster for just reunited TWO pups to their family. It had been 2 years since they had gone missing (one report said 5 years). Thank god for microchips! And my best friend had a lab who went missing who eventually turned up as well.
Hoping Dash finds his way home soon .
Thank you Kara for the HOPE! xo
We are going through the same exact decision as far as moving…you helped me really think about the situation and I think we will stay as well!
these are such intense times and adding a move is a sure fire recipe for some kind of system breakdown..I am so glad I came to my senses,but also soooo glad that it motivated us to get this place shaped up!!! I am always here for support!
I am glad that you are doing what is best for your family. Selfishly, I am glad because I love your house and seeing all that you do with it! You have great vision, are creative, and are an inspiration! I was so sad when I thought that you were moving away!
Thanks Louise…it never felt totally right.I listened to my gut…and I am so happy we are staying. I think when the time is right..it will feel very right…at least I guess that is what I am hoping! Who knows, maybe we will be able to hold onto the house…and still have a city place! xo
Yes, we thought about moving when our son was in high school. Buy a bigger house with a game room, office space, etc. But we realized, he was leaving in a couple of years and three years after that, our daughter would go off to college too. It just didn’t make sense to buy a huge house we’d be rattling around in and need to move again. I’m glad we stayed put. We were able to buy our farm which we plan to move to in a couple of years. I think you have very good reasons to stay where you are for now.
It is so validating to share this experience with others…and amazing how so many of us go through this same process. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share with you.
We bought a house that was too small for us 10 years ago. I knew it was too small, but it has a large yard, and is close to the schools, shops, restaurants, and public transportation. Now we are down to just one son in high school, and we’ve actually grown into our house. But as much as I love the area and our yard, I think in a few years we will move again too because the yard is just so much work and time consuming to maintain (or expensive to hire others).
Ah yes, the yard, I haven’t even addressed that…but ours is WAY too much work. Right now it is fine because my youngest son has a little lawn business and LOVES to mow the yard…but one day that will change. Ah change….Thanks for sharing..xo
Boy, were you smart. I wish we could take back some of the moves we’ve made. We had a 3 story 6 bedroom house and when our older four children graduated college and moved out I jumped the gun and begged my husband to move because I couldn’t deal with the size. We then moved to a condo in the same twon just to get our last one throughout the last 2 years of high school. BIG MISTAKE! No privacy and expensive monthly fees. It’s just my dear husband and I now and we just moved into a small 1 floor 960 square foot house that we love. I pared down to the basics and feel such a relief. I wish I had the money back from all the moves. You are being wise! You will know when the time is right. Also, thank you for the update. I am a new reader to your blog and I was confused over your moving or not moving.
All good reasons not to leave yet. But my very favorite reason was “if Dash comes back, we need to be here”.