BACK WHEN I was renovating the master bathroom, there was a hole in the wall…two holes actually… each of them about the size of a nickel.
I tried using cement board that I had lying around…it did not fit…
Since I was in the bathroom, I looked around at what I had to use….and suddenly I spied a possible solution!
1.Make Up Sponges
2. Scissors
3. Spackle
4. Putty Knife
5. Sand paper – extra fine
I Cut the sponges into piece ever so slightly larger than each hole…and plugged the holes…

Then I got my Spackle and a putty knife…I applied the Spackling Compound and wiped off the excess.
When it was dry, I sanded the whole area with fine sand paper….and then I painted the whole wall…
……..and it went from this.
I challenge you to tell me where the HOLE WAS!!!