old country house blog


Okay, true confessions here…I am a bit of a DANCE MOMS addict.

DM3_12012012_SG_0027I am completely off the Housewives, Bethany is gone…and I just get too anxious watching the Real Housewives of where ever fight all the time… BRAVO could do whatever they want, bring WHATEVER they want into our homes, and THIS is what they choose? I would rather they just bring back back to back seasons of WEST WING than to watch women fight with eachother…yuck!  

dancemoms_chloe_4                                                         But the Dance Moms….

If I had my life to do over, I would 100% be a ballet dancer in the Joffrey ballet…

DM3_12012012_SG_0247rI LOVE dance and I love watching really good dance, and watching kids dance… and that is how they got me in the door. Phoebe did dance for a few years…she was a little whiz at Irish Step Dancing…but once she started soccer that was all she wrote…

dm_season2_9    The drama kind on Dance Mms  started to get to me and ABBY was being so mean…I actually wrote a letter to LIFETIME and told them I would no longer be watching if this is how they were going to ENTERTAIN me..no thanks…the nastiness made me take a break..

dancemoms_brooke_1….but now, she is being nicer…or the producers are showing her being nice…whatever is going on… I am back … My Tuesday nights are spoken for…I am happy.

.So…there I said it, now you know my dirty little secret!!!

I am a Dance Mom Watcher!!! Are you? Do you have a  TV guilty pleasure?



  1. I too am a dance moms viewer. My daughter and I watch it every Tuesday. She’s only 6 but she understands that those women all act crazy. We watch it for the dance aspect. Every Tuesday is Taco night and Dance Moms night. My husband joins us for the tacos but somehow manages to disappear after that. =]

    I do still watch the Real Housewives. Bravo is really trying to stretch it with some of these cities though. New York, DC and Miami are a total bust. I’m with you on the Bethenny thing….without her New York crumbled.

  2. Dance Moms is my guilty pleasure, too! I don’t even have cable, but I watch it on Lifetime.com the day after each episode airs. Abby does seem to have toned it down, and the yelling and name-calling has definitely been cut back, but I never could have quit watching even if that weren’t the case; I just LOVE watching these girls dance! I danced when I was young, and my friend and I even started the dance team that still exists at our high school. My favorite part of this show is that it’s different from something like Real Housewives (any variety of which I’ve NEVER watched); there is actually talent. And the girls are so smart and strong. I actually CRIED at their Rosa Parks dance this week!

  3. I love Dance Moms too! I live in Canada, so I usually have to wait a few months to watch them on TV. This post makes me want to watch them online.

    My boyfriend watches Duck Dynasty reruns over and over again, but I don’t mind, I have a thing for Jace. I love his sense of humor.

  4. I dvr every episode of Big Bang Theory! What can I say, I’m a geek and that show just makes me laugh out loud!!!

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