old country house blog

‘the dress" Original Custom Wedding and Prom Dress MINI Paintings!!! Now available!

Finally they are here!!!
the MINI 
Wedding Dress 
Martha Stewart
“Lagoon Blue”
a Bevy of brides!

The “Mini Dress” Paintings are painted on the sides and lightly distressed…
and can be painted to commemmorate your Choice of wedding colors
or to match your home decor.
the mini dress paintings all measure
5″ x 7″
and are 1 1/2″ deep
 …as a gift for the Bride to be or Bride and Groom or even the Bridal Party!
…for more information and to order you “mini Dress” 
and you can also email me@lsdevito@gmail.com
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answering your questions …
and hearing what you are thinking about…
please take a moment to share your thoughts with me!!!