and in celebration of my return home,
to where it all begins and ends,
I am going to step things up a bit.
about this blogging and decorating thing.
and so, we will call this:
Phase 2 will include some order and structure
and hopefully this will enable me to communicate best with you,
my faithful followers.
Let us Begin.
1. WHEN IN DOUBT just Rearrange the room
2. A gallon of paint is often all you will need to update your room
3. Do NOT WAIT until you can get it perfect, real decorating is ever changing and
is a work in progress. And the best looking rooms
look like they have evolved over time.
4. A Good lamp can make a room and a Bad lamp can break it.
5. An solid old piece, even one you need to refinish
is often a better investment than a cheap shiny New piece.
6. Read read read. Decorating books, and magazines and blogs are your BEST sources.
They help you stay in touch with what is going on and what is current.
I get MOST of my ideas from the HIGH END magazines and then
search for creative and inexpensive ways to replicate them.
7. Know where the outlets for everything are in your area and online!
8. Choose a few blogs which really speak to who you are and follow them religiously.
9. Get on the mailing lists for your favorite places to shop so you can be
first in line for specials and sales.
10. Nature is an awesome source of year round decorating accessories –
driftwood, feathers, twigs, stones, shells, stumps…
and the list is endless of
smart touches to ground (no pun intended) your decor.
11. DO not skip sanding – you know who you are.
12. Look for Inspiration everywhere. The possibilities are endless.
You can decorate an entire room
inspired by a single building, object or painting or pillow or person.
13. Always strive to keep things balanced and do not allow
one color,
or piece of furniture
or idea to dominate a room.
15. Listen to you inner decorator voice, and find your OWN style,
imitation is the highest form of flattery but blatant copying leaves
everyone feeling empty.
What I am going to do next is explore each of these ideas,
a bit deeper, with sources and inspirational photos and examples.
see you tomorrow for our first lesson!
1. WHEN IN DOUBT just Rearrange the room