I keep staring at this blank page..like THE YEAR ahead….usually my friend …the space feels so daunting…and so
perfect and I only want to fill it with good things…I don’t want to mess it up or waste any of it.
Too much pressure…do you ever wonder what life would be like if we had no END of a year…Would it FEEL different?… What if time just flowed and passed like the tides?…back and forth ….Would we still make resolutions or break diets?…Would we still try to do better…and write poetry and celebrate the start of something…anything….?
Truth be told…I like the BLANK SLATE. The chance to, at least in theory..Start fresh… even if mid way through… it all catches up with you and you realize that there really is NO such thing as a TRUE blank slate.., it is NICE to start fresh…for a day or a week…to feel like the possibilities are endless…like a newborn child…to feel the chance to get it right.
I approach this year with an open heart and a well of gratitude and a pit of dread. I don’t want my life to change but come Summer it will..forever change…my favorite chapter will end and I will need to write a new one…. only, sometimes I wonder if I can….though I know I will. Perhaps things need to end like years and childhoods so that we don’t take them for granted…or maybe they end so something really AMAZING can happen…something we cannot even fathom…the way we had no idea how incredible THIS ride would be when we agonized over baby names and propped up our swollen ankles.
I cannot help myself…I just get excited by the blank page.
and THANK YOU for sharing this ride with me.
see you next year!
Thank you for sharing your journey with me. Reading your post seeing your beautiful family growing and remembering the children as toddlers – has brought me much joy, lots of smiles and may fond memories.
May 2015 bring much joy, laughter and good health to the Devtio family!
Thank you Lynne, having you in our life at this juncture is such a blessing…seeing it through…I am so grateful for the thread that connects us.xo
Your writings are SO nice. Very calm and clean. Happy New Year! Love, Jane Kassel
Thank you Jane, happy new Year!