am I home?
Yes, I am home.
Yesterday, after packing it up,
having breakfast with the cousins and
driving the kids past the house I lived in as a teen in Atlanta…
…we hit the road!
Atlanta to Virginia…
The long 8 hour drive went into the night…
we got home at 11pm….
I had to make the kids ask me Oscar Trivia so I could stay awake.
back to my Old Country house and all of the things that make me
…well ME.
I have been processing the conference..
all the way home, all day.
So much to take in, assimilate, implement.
Things keep running through my mind,
bits of sentences…words of advice
….Mr Goodwill Hunting
telling us
…ideas shared, new friends made…
….laughter lightening the anxious air and
touching stories generously shared.
I am no where near ready to give
you a blow by blow and
I am not even sure that will be my goal.
however share some things I learned,
people I met…
New skills I acquired…
I have BIG plans!!!!
For now anyway…. I will share my photos…many are
embarrassingly poor in quality
but they capture the moment.
I am not going to put captions….
The pictures will do the talking!!!
Wow so much fun! Definitely on my blog conference list for next year! It’s kinda fun that I can almost name everyone in your pictures! HAHA!
so much fun getting to know you better and thanks for posting that picture so i can steal… er… borrow it! 😉 hope you get some rest today- i know i need it!
so much fun getting to know you better and thanks for posting that picture so i can steal… er… borrow it! 😉 hope you get some rest today- i know i need it!
Looks like you had a fantastic time! Hope I can go next year.
Lesli it was a pleasure to meet you at Haven! I wish we had more time to talk but glad you were sitting next to me during my big win! Still sort of in shock.
I’ve heard so many great things about Haven! Where in Virginia are you from? I am from Lynchburg. My husband and I both went to Liberty University and now we travel the world, Army style 😉
Clicked over from the Haven FB page to see a pic of me in your post! (blue shirt, white sweater, arms crossed:) Love your style of writing and loved Haven!
Katelin – Thank you sooooo much for introducing yourself, you are adorable and I am now going to hop over and follow your blog. I wish there was another Haven now that I have settled down a bit and have some faces I know!!!
Thanks for the supposrtive words!!
wait katelin, you ahve no blog that I can find based on your email “no reply”….where did you go???! can you email me direct here: and let me know how to follow you!
Lesli I am so sad we didn’t have a chance to chat more. You have such amazing talent – I am so inspired! Thanks for taking your time to chat with me.