It was not until I sat down to write this post about our Master Bedroom that I remembered the MANY things that have happened in there -and I am not talking about the fun stuff. I think I have blocked out much of it because these “events” are just not fun to remember. Our room was pretty much an after thought and essentially the amount of time I spent on the rest of the house and the kids room – That is the amount I DID NOT spend on our room. Then there were the 2 whole years (2011-2013) that our room had 2 giant sheets of plywood across a BIG OLE hole left in the ceiling when the old plaster ceiling just let loose one night and fell – ONTO my side of the bed – where I was miraculously NOT sleeping as I had gotten up to let the dog out. The ceiling thing happened about 5 months into my writing of this blog so I actually wrote everything down the very next day and posted it – This freaky story is here.

But finally in 2013 we launched into what I like to call the “UPSTAIRS renovation”. There had been a matching set of plywood sheets in the upstairs hall from another ceiling mishap – so ALL of the ceilings upstairs were replaced and crown molding was added. (BELIEVE it or not – we ACTUALLY had photos taken of our home for a Young House Love “House Crash” and it is amazing how you would have no idea we had such a mess going on!) We also gutted and did makeovers of both bathrooms and painted the entire upstairs expect the kids rooms which were already fine – Phoebe’s bedroom makeover from Spring of 2011 had just won the Washington Post Kids Room Contest!
And you know the “Give a Mouse a Cookie” story – once the ceilings and the bathrooms were all fresh and new – my bedroom felt OLD and shabby – SO I gave it a makeover!!! – I freshened up the wall color, ditched the space-eating King-Size for a Queen and had an upholstered headboard made at Ballard Designs, got new bedding (which I JUST replaced) and did a makeover of a sideboard/dresser that had been moving around the house and had drawers that actually worked!


I JUST last week got new bedding – and ONLY because this old was no longer in stock at Anthropologie – but I love the new (also from Anthro – change is good!!!) This one has some softer colors in it and I got a great top-layer quilt at TARGET that is perfect and allows me to sneak a little pink in there!
Thank you for visiting my Old Country House and taking a tour through my Master Bedroom.
As you already know – we are not fancy here – but I do LOVE color and playing around in it…I think mixing and matching Bedding is a great way to try new things. Matchy-matchy is no fun!
WALL COLOR – Sherwin Williams Steamed Milk
HEADBOARD – Giselle Tufted Ballard Designs –
QUILT/SHAMS – Viviana Quilt Anthropologie
PINK QUILT – Fieldcrest for Target
ART – Grey Mclean, Lesli DeVito
Botanicals – From “Americas Other Audubon”
Blue Lamps – Robert Abbey
Lesli! I absolutely love your bedroom and the colour palette in there! It is so soft and serene! Please don’t take this as a criticism, I am just curious about the dresser in front of the fireplace? Was there no other place for it?
Hi Brenda, thank you so much and absolutely no problem I don’t take it as a criticism at all. It’s a good question. The fireplace is not working. And the opening of the fireplace is completely covered up and painted over so in a sense it’s just another piece of wall. For probably the first eight years I had it still open with a little bookcase in that opening but again it just felt like I was doing something to justify a hole in the wall. So I decided why not but my dresser there it gives me a little shelf, the mantle, also Use for my ever-growing dresser clutter, and I love it there. It also enabled me to put a chair in the corner of the room out of the way where the dresser used to be. Hope this answers your question have a great day.
I like the upholstery and bed sheets, the bedroom looks so nice.
I’m pretty sure if my ceiling randomly fell down while I was asleep I would die from fright.Thank goodness you weren’t in there when it happened!
Lol!!! Me too! I shudder when ever I think of what COULD have happened
Hi Lesli….I agree with Brenda your master bedroom is lovely…I’m sorry i am so late to the game here…but can you tell me where you got the frames for the artwork above your bed?? I am in the process of putting up some pictures above my bed and have been looking out for the perfect frames and yours are perfect.