SUNDAY 1:40pm…I am sitting here wondering what I SHOULD BE doing…and as I look across the Living room I see my DESK…or what sliver of my desk is visible…buried beneath the ocean of summer, layered like a cake…substratum of tasks completed and to be filed..or tossed….if you could look at my brain I am 100% confident that it would make my desk look tidy…

1:54pm …I decided that I might move faster and more efficiently, if I were not in my Pajamas…and so I changed into my workout clothes, because I will go to the gym after I finish my desk. I have been diligently trying to dig out from under another KIND layer which appeared around my midsection after California. I have come to expect tight-fitting jeans after a vacation, but was not ready to go up a size in pants!!! We will have none of that!
On the way downstairs, I grabbed an empty bin from the old sleeping porch/junk room, and found in the process a fabric which might look good on the dining room chairs, Phoebe’s missing soccer bag and an old desk organizer that may help the cause.
2:00pm the dig begins, I took the stack of magazines to my car. I will give them to the Hair Salon..maybe the gym. Put the paint wheel back where it goes. Assembled the desk organizer. Put the camera parts into the camera bag.Everything miraculously has a home!
2:17pm ……still digging,I have found 7 pairs of earring, a ring, 3 SD cards, 2 game boy games and some kind of battery, 3 Birthday Gift Cards… one hair roller and clip, one bottle of pet stain remover, 2 camera lenses, a book jacket, a pair of socks with Frieda Karlo on them. I have gone upstairs 3 times to take these items to their rightful homes and on the way past Cooper and Daddy playing “Guess Who”. I stopped in the kitchen….and made an egg salad sandwich…and kept digging….while eating my sandwich…
2:43pm The DESK IS CLEAN!!! And I did not even need to use the Rubbermaid Bin I brought down. As it turns out, everything on my desk HAD a home…and one that was just not my desk and so after 5 trips upstairs and into the kitchen, and drinking 2 diet cokes…I now have a clean desk and a clear head and I am ready for a NEW SCHOOL YEAR with new report cards, Pet Portrait orders, Birthdays, thank you notes and whatever comes my way!!!

Wow! I’m super impressed! I haven’t seen the surface of my desk since before Christmas! You’ve inspired me to get on it!
I LOVE the feeling of a clean desk! I just feel so much possibility in what I can accomplish now that my workspace is organized and ready to go.
I’m impressed you managed to do yours so quickly. I get easily distracted with what I find on the desk. “Oh, I need to call this person. Oh, I need to put that address in my phone before I throw this away. Ooo, I need to use this SEO coupon the hosting company sent.” etc.