This month I celebrate my 7th year of blogging.

7 years. 7 years ago, while my youngest was home for a month, recuperating from MONO – and I was sofa bound for longer stretches than I had since breast feeding days – I decide to share my journey.

The journey, as all journeys do – started off in one direction and took a turn in another and another and a fork and a swerve. I had no idea that you would be so excited about my old dumpy house – my paint colors, that you would embrace me as I plowed forward with my “projects” and tackled raising 3 teenagers. We did this together. And not to be dramatic – but it changed my life – in so many ways I could never have imagined or expected.
So where are we now? The house, is older, as are my children – and for that matter – so am I. Our house was on the market for 18 months and now we are “taking a break”. Our plan is to do some BIG renovations, which will get us ready to re-list and in the mean-time create some exciting content for this blog!
NOT blogging has been for me, like when you owe a friend a phone call. The time passes and you think “I should call her!” then more time passes and you think “I should call her, but I better leave myself alot of time to talk because we have so much catching up to do!!” and then MORE time passes – which brings us to NOW and I think – “I should call – but SO much has happened that it would be silly to try to recall all of it so maybe we should just start fresh!”
This is how I am going to START THIS : I am challenging myself to do 5 NEW things HERE . And not just any old “5 Things” but 5 things that DO NOT come naturally to me and that will stretch me both on the blog and as a person.
I plan to post 3 times a week Monday (today being the first day), Wednesday and Friday. I may post other days as well – but MWF will be definite. This is not to put pressure on myself – in fact I hope it will do the opposite – ease the pressure of when to post when I have so much to catch up on. I will just start here. Just here where I am today. I fully expect to get some “Unsubscribe” notices, it seems that every time I post MORE, it is met with mailbox overload stress – but that is okay. I get that and the last thing I want to do is have my blog posts stress ANYONE out! But if you want to have a friend you can count on 3 times a week to drop by – that will be ME!!!!
2. BLOG DEEPER – I want to talk about the house yes and if we do renovations – YES!!!! Wahoo – that will be a blast – but I also want to talk about this place I am in my life which is a VERY VERY different place from the car-pool driver, lunch-packing, errand running, busy busy crazy crazy teens teens Mom I was. Now – well it is not the same.
3. Solicit more sponsorships and branch out – hopefully educating both myself and YOU about this whole thing because at this point – that sentence is the extent of my knowledge!
4. Have GUESTs over! – Invite other bloggers to share their posts and interview others BLOG POSTS. I have made so many friends blogging. And you guys – what do YOU do? I want to find out more about you – your professions, share more.

5. Become more SOCIAL MEDIA saavy. and share what I am learning!
I am so excited to be back. I hope you will share your ideas with me …color questions. have you heard that SAGE is the new gray? Im’ not buying it – but I do think sage might be the new Sage! I am itching ITCHING to paint a room in my house! Maybe I will go SAGE?
I do think that home owners are beginning to think towards a time when GRAY will not dominate the NEUTRAL stage. I personally don’t thing that GREEN will become the next GRAY – BUT I do think that there are a number of AWESOME Neutral greens that a worth looking at and considering when you a looking to branch out…
Lets look the more “Neutral Greens”….These greens serve as a backdrop to other colors and are more versatile….you will notice immediately that THESE greens BELOW run the gamut from faded olives to pale blue/greens to Dark Forest (which is rumored to be on the rise) …and much like YELLOW…Often you have to choose a color which seems much too pale in the CAN to get the LOOK you want on the WALL…Greens can be tricky and the wrong one can completely overtake a room…but the right one…SINGS!!! HERE ARE THE TOP SELLING BENJAMIN MOORE GREENS.



I look at these beautiful greens, and the wheels start spinning…they each lend such a peaceful backdrop to whatever room they grace…and they compliment the brights and darks and whites so well. When I see our old playroom above..I wonder..should the dining room be pale blue/green again?…I love love love it with the black and orange…just lovely…
Do you have any greens in your home? Where? Which color?

Nice to see you in my newsfeed, Leslie! Love your ambitious plan! Can’t wait to see all that you do – thanks for inspiring me too!
Thanks Kelly – feels good to be back blogging!
I’ve been toying with (finally) repainting our MB and bath and this post certainly helped move that forward. Many thanks for the motivation and best wishes for those ambitious plans – always fun to see what’s up in C’ville!
Have fun playing with color Betty! xo
I remember when sage green got popular before when Pottery Barn became popular. I don’t think it has been long enough for me to revisit sage yet. At that time, I embraced it, but not now.
I am with you – In his house alone I have covered two generations of sage green! The 60’s version and the 1990’s-2000’s version – I do like the ones that lean toward blue green though like Palladian Blue.
So glad you are back to blogging! I’ve enjoyed your blog from practically its beginning. Excited about its direction and maybe we can collaborate on something in 2018. I’m looking for something new fresh and comfort zone stretching as well. Hope the mono recoup is successful. That is tough!
Thanks Marcie and YES I would a collaboration!
PS – The mono was when I started the blog – my writing was confusing – so he is good! Thanks
I always enjoy your posts Leslie and look forward to the new things you will do. As for green, personally I love green and have always used it. A good many years ago I painted pistachio green and white stripes in our master bath. The fixtures are white and so is the floor tile. To this day I wouldn’t change it even though it’s no where near on trend, but, hey, maybe it will be soon! The wall on the staircase is Wyeth blue and I love that too.
Wonderful news!! And might you add “teach a painting class “ to your list?