I love to paint.
quite simply my salvation,
and while I am loving painting my Custom Pet Portraits…..
I have ALSO been painting
just for me…
40″ x 50″
I was inspired
to paint this painting by the way things are reflected in car windows…sometimes layers
upon layers of things,
people pasing , another car, and often times, my own reflection
looking back at me.
Often I don’t see everything in the reflection at first,
like with a cloud, and then, upon further inspection…. images appear.
I really have noticed it in photographs that happen to catch a piece of car…
.which I am usually trying to avoid..
.but then, there, in the reflection in the window…I see something…
something or someone I missed completely the first time…
YES! ….this painting is for sale…email me for pricing….
I love it! You are so talented.