my old country house


ART FOR UKRAINE I have painted a series of ABSTRACTS which can be purchased HERE INSPIRED by the UKRAINIAN COLORS AND DEDICATED TO THE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN  of UKRAINE. 100% of all money raised by the sale of each painting (minus shipping)  will be donated to THE @SAVETHECHILDREN UKRAINE CRISIS CHILDREN’S RELIEF FUND I… Read More UKRAINE CRISIS RELIEF

my old country house


OUR DINING ROOM has been more rooms – than any other room in the house. It sits right off the kitchen – in our NON “Open- Floorplan” house. Which I like – because the possibilities are endless. Early on, when the kids were small, it served as a playroom with a booth for eating lunches… Read More THE DINING ROOM

my old country house


Once a year – I do a Memorial day Post. and not JUST a Memorial Day post – but THIS Memorial Day post. I think it is because this story connects me to the origin of my understanding of “Memorial”. I grew up during the Vietnam war. In the 1970s, we wore Prisoner of War,… Read More MEMORIAL DAY