Last night I hit my own dog, Charlie, with the car. He is alive with broken bones and a scraped up face but he is alive and he will get better. He is having surgery today and we will know more about his recovery. It was a freak thing and I still am not quite sure how he got out of the electric fence. I found his collar in the driveway, broken and wonder if maybe he was running alongside the car like he LOVES to do and the collar got somehow hooked on the car because the collar is crushed.
Many of you may not know this but Charlie saved my life a few years ago. He woke me up at 2:30 am and while I was out of bed, the ceiling over my bed collapsed onto my bed. He is my guardian angel I really believe that and I am so heartbroken to have hurt him so bad. I know it was an accident but I am still sick about it.
It is kind of hard to talk about colors right now so I will be back in a few days when I get Charlie home and can take care of him. Thank you for your prayers.

Prayers for Charlie for a speedy recovery. 🙂
Prayers for you and Charlie.
I am so sorry about Charlie, but glad that he seems ok. Take care of yourself and Charlie. Peace and love.
Awwww! Huge prayers for both you and Charlie!
Praying for you and charlie. I hope charlie has a quick recovery.
I hope he will have a quick recovery. Animal are stronger than we know. Love.
Charlie is your guardian angel and now you will be his. May his surgery be uncomplicated and his recovery speedy. Hope your ankle is better, too. Perhaps you and Charlie can convalesce together? Does he like to watch your favorite shows? ; )
So very sorry to read this. Praying
I am so sorry, but glad he will be ok. Prayers for Charlie and for you!
Prayers to both of you.
Oh Lesli, I am so sorry! Prayers for you and Charlie.
Praying Praying Praying.
Oh, I feel so badly for both of you! We will keep your boy in our thoughts. Don’t be hard on yourself Lesli, it was an accident.
Sending prayers and love to Charlie and family.
Sorry about Charlie. I hope he feels better soon. Your home is so beautiful.
My heart goes out to you and Charlie! Much love.
Sending healing prayers your way for Charlie.
so sorry! Prayers for sweet Charlie.
My prayers go out to you and Charlie today (and the whole family).
God Bless,
Prayers for you and Charlie our animals are a big part of our family.
Uncle! Enough already for you – these past few months has been tough. Prayers for you and Charlie. Our cocker spaniel, who never leaves the yard, was trotting up and down our busy street yesterday smiling to all the cars going by and the people who stopped to help him. He didn’t have his collar on because it makes too much noise when he sleeps in our room each night – lesson learned.
Take time to heal….
p.s. we are re-watching West Wing on Netflix – so, so good!
Thanks so much. i LOVE West Wing…LOVE it and miss it.
These things happen, and they should not. You can’t blame yourself. Charlie will get better, and will still love you so much. It’s wonderful that you will be able to show him again how much you love him. Thinking of you both.
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart. Charlie came through his surgery very well. If you know much about dogs and hips he had a “FHO” procedure (I had to look it up) …for his dislocated hip. Apparently he had pretty severe hip dysplasia so this procedure may have been in his future anyway. When laying out the options the Dr said that for his broken shoulder, he could have surgery or we could just allow it to heal on it’s own. We did not do surgery … I just could not put him through two operations and he will be laying so low anyway I think the shoulder will heal well with rest. I ordered him a nice big bed from lands end and got a new crate which is much bigger so he can move around in it, when I cannot supervise him. He has a long road to recovery ahead but with all of your prayers and my family of care caretakers loving him up..I know he will be back to his old self by Spring.
Bless you all. xo
You poor thing! I am so sorry for you. Hoping for a speedy recovery for Charlie, and that you will find peace within yourself about it.
Thinking of you both and sending speedy recovery wishes to Charlie!
My prayers for Charlie and your family.
Prayers and thoughts for precious Charlie and you. I pray for him a complete, full and speedy recovery. I know I have guardian angels because I have had too many close calls to have been accidental. They come in all shapes and sizes and Charlie is definitely one of yours.
Praying for both you and Charlie!!!! He has an angel watching over him too!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charlie…
So sorry to hear, and praying for a speedy recovery.
Take good care,
Poor you & poor Charlie! I’m so glad that he came through the surgery well & hope that he has a great recovery. I can only imagine how I would feel if this happened to me, but I know you must feel terrible.
I’m so sorry to hear about your Charlie. I know it’s hard right now, but I pray he will be fine and I KNOW he still loves you!!! Our fur babies are like that ya know….
Thought and prayers with you all! He is a beautiful dog!
Prayers. Our pets are just four-legged humans. Quick recovery Charlie!
Oh bless your heart!! I saw the update on his surgery. Prayers for full recovery for Charlie and you too.
So sorry to hear that happened. Thoughts and prayers to you and Charlie.
Oh Lesli, so sorry about Charlie. I know he will heal quickly with all the love and attention he will receive. I will be praying for your whole family.
Hang in there Charlie….now is the time for a few extra treats!
So glad to see your post above that Charlie’s surgery went well. Sounds like he’ll have a comfy place to convalesce when he comes home. Give him a kiss and a pat on the head! I’ve been in your shoes with our old lab before…hugs to you.
Oh, I am so sorry! Praying he makes a quick recovery.
ohhh, I’m so sorry! Sending prayers for his quick recovery and for you to be easy on yourself.
I am so sorry you had to go through this. Sometimes these things happen, but I can only image how you are feeling. My prayers are with Charlie as he recovers from surgery. The best pet parents are always the ones that address the problems at hand, you took care of him and that is all that matters. Take care.