The show opens in 12 hours!
I did it..
….though I have no idea how I pulled it off.
I had my moments, times when I was certain I could not come up with another creative stroke, another painting that was worth anyones time…
and without fail…
the next one would be some of my favorite work.
This particular painting was just such a painting.
I had been working on a Highland Cow, and did two…
But, unable to “get it right”.
I set those two aside (actually I primed over them)
and decided that this show would not have my favorite Shaggy Highland Cow.
Oh well.
So, with the pressure off, I just started fiddling with a pink canvas that I had intended to be the beginning of a barn painting.
and then came…
I will post photos later of the whole show up!
I have to get it done tomorrow morning and then there is a wedding in the evening!!!
and then…we head to the beach Sunday Morning!!!