old country house blog


Cassie from Primitive and Proper Blog  did a “ME in NUMBERS” post yesterday.
Taking a step back and reflecting on what really matters.
and she threw out the challenge for other bloggers to examine their selves…
in numbers as well.
I’m in..
….but I would like to put a different spin on it…
I agree…. there is an incredible POWER in numbers…
and I think we get bogged down in the numbers that
matter…when if fact, those numbers serve more as a distraction, even a deterrent,  to action.
Two in particular come to mind….
I know you KNOW what I am talking about.
SO here are MY NUMBERS…
now listen up….
Growing up…I attended 9 schools before college
In my whole life…I have lived in 6 states.
and 18 different houses
We have lived in our house 8 years…the longest I have ever lived in any single residence…
I have 3 children 3 dogs and 3 cats
My daughter and I have our birthdays on the 30 of our months.
I have 3 brothers and 0 sisters
My son Tate, my Mom, my Mother in law and my Older brother, ALL, in their respective months
 have the 8th as their Birth Day
and Tate’s is actually 8-8, August 8.

My Brother, my Father-in-law and my Sister in law  all share the birthday March 29.
2 + 9 = 11
My husbands birthday was the other day, Oct 3, 10/3 , 10 x 3 = 30
and My Dad’s birthday was the 3rd of August  .
8 + 3 = 11
My youngest sons birthday is September 11!
It would seem that my youngest brother, Mallory, is the only one with a lone birthday..
that is….until you add it up. His birthday is April 25
4+2+5= 11



and this one is for you Cassie…
I am certain I have killed 100,000 stink bugs in the last few weeks!!!
what numbers keep popping up in your life???do you have LUCKY numbers?

Happy FALL
Happy Friday



6 thoughts on “THE NUMBERS GAME

  1. Numbers ARE interesting. Years ago I saw a numerologist and they fully believe the numbers tell all.

    After moving out on my own, I have lived in 18 different places, with no more than 2 year boundaries at each place. One home was 4 years, but I was divorced right in the middle so it became “my” home then. This current place is on year 2, so we shall see … It always seemed gypsy-ish, like Juliet Binoche in Chocolat.

    Also for the past years noticing repeats or sequences in numbers happens All The Time. Stuff like:
    clock 12:34
    thermostat/clock 12:34-65-78
    odometer 111111 or 111213 or 121212 or 122222
    tripometer/clock: 135.0 2:46
    you get the idea.

    Stink bugs .. omg!

  2. this is so fun! 🙂 and my brother has n 8/3 birthday- a great day! emmy was born on 1/17/7 at 11:17 am….. sawyer and i were both born on 8/9… 8 + 9 = 17. chris is the only one sort of on his own… but i think my kids and i have 17 as our number. 🙂
    thanks for playing along, lesli! happy weekend!

  3. this is so fun! 🙂 and my brother has n 8/3 birthday- a great day! emmy was born on 1/17/7 at 11:17 am….. sawyer and i were both born on 8/9… 8 + 9 = 17. chris is the only one sort of on his own… but i think my kids and i have 17 as our number. 🙂
    thanks for playing along, lesli! happy weekend!

  4. My birthday is 10-4… but I certainly choose to not think of it as “over and out!!!” LOL As for repetitive numbers, we either lived in a location (this is since my married life) for 2 or 4 years. However, the last two locations have been 9.5 (yes, that matters as I couldn’t wait to leave so I was always aware of the length of time living there) and 10 years. I certainly enjoyed your recounting (pun intended) your numbers… great way to get to know you!

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