old country house blog

THURSDAY QUICKIE!! the Danish Modern Kent Coffey Perspecta KILLER CREDENZA -PERHAPS THE DEAL OF THE YEAR and certainly one of MY personal favorite scores!

You will not believe this piece I got.!!!!
His name is “Don”.


I am so over the moon excited!!!! 
I can barely contain my excitement,
 actually I don’t think I am doing much containing at all. 

Each cabinet door contains three small drawers.

Inside the top right drawer,
it is signed by the designer
AND there was a piece of paper which had a currently running
listing on ebay, with a piece identical to this one
for $1,299.00!!
I think I got a deal!
I paid $285!

The table on the right
with the Pink Lamp is what the TV WAS on…can you believe it?
Oh well, we make it work with what we have…at the time..right!

After literally YEARS and an entire marriage almost in search of the perfect piece for the TV AND the wall the TV occupies which is a huge windowless wall. I found it!

It finishes this space in such a beautiful way!!
Oh and when my husband brought it home he said,
 “Sorry, I could not fit the mirror I am going to have to go back!”
It came with a mirror?
I never even saw the mirror!!
Another bonus!

7 thoughts on “THURSDAY QUICKIE!! the Danish Modern Kent Coffey Perspecta KILLER CREDENZA -PERHAPS THE DEAL OF THE YEAR and certainly one of MY personal favorite scores!

  1. Oh my goodness… I recognized that piece immediately! My parent’s have it as part of their bedroom suite!!

    I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. You can check out the deets on my blog. Have a great weekend!!

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